Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Loving the Gift

I was reading an online devotion this morning that I receive via email, and it was very timely for me.  The author spoke about our different spiritual giftings.  She had a hard time accepting the spiritual gift God had given her.  She felt it wasn't important enough.  There was a time I felt the same way.  Then I read 1 Corinthians 12  because it is God explaining how each gift He gives is important, even if we don't think it is. 

I wanted to be a person who revealed God's truths to people.  I wanted them to be able to feel God's love through my words.  I you see the problem here?  It's me.  God didn't call me to do those things.  He called me to love kids.  He called me to get so excited when a child made the connection of God's love for them and their need for a savior.  He called me to hurt when they hurt and rejoice when they rejoice.  What greater gift for me could there be?

What did He gift you with?  Do you know  your spiritual gifts?  We all have them.  If you don't know yours, I want to encourage you to find out what it is.  Once you find it out, thank God for your gift & chase it with reckless abandon.  God will fill you with more joy when you're doing His work with the gifts He has given you.

Dear Jesus, thank you for your gifts.  I love the way you have made us all different, and given us a desire to work for your kingdom.  I thank you that even in things we may not see as important, You say they are and find value in everything done for Your church.  Help us discover our purpose and embrace it.  Jesus, you are a wonderful savior, and we want to serve you and be difference makers for our generation and the ones to come.  Thank You for everything You are!  In your name I pray, Amen

In Him,

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Great I AM

I love to listen to worship music.  When I can sing to the Lord I feel a peace flow through my spirit.  Last night at church we sang a great song.  It's called 'Great I Am' by New Life Worship.  I started thinking about what it means when we say God is the great I Am.  Where in the world did they get I Am? 

The name I AM is first seen in Exodus 3:14.  The bush is burning, God has informed Moses of his mission to set the Israelites free from the bondage of slavery, but Moses has a few questions.  Questions about himself, the mission, and what to say when the all important question is asked:  "...Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?'  Then what shall I tell them?"  (Exodus 3:13)  God tells him to say to the Israelites:  "...I AM has sent me to you." 

Why I AM?   I AM is the Hebrew word that we get Yahweh from.  (You will also see it written as YHWH.)  Another name of Yahweh is Jehovah.  These names were, to the Jewish people, to sacred to be said out loud, so they called the Lord the I AM. 

OK, so I AM what?  I think they call the Lord the I AM because He is everything.  Do you need a friend?  Jehovah-Shammah.  Do you need peace in your life?  Jehovah-Shalom.  Healing?  Jahovah-Rapha.  Protection?  Jehovah-Rohi.  Someone to fight for you?  Jehovah-Saboath.  An encounter?  Immanuel.  Righteousness?  Jehovah-Tsidkenu.  These are just a few of the names of God.  He has so many names because He is everything we need.   I am thankful God is bigger than what I alone imagine Him to be.  I'm thankful He reveals Himself in these different ways, because we all have different needs.  He is I AM!

Lord, thank you for not leaving us alone to fend for ourselves.  Thank you for being I AM.  Thank you for Immanuel, God with us, Jesus.  Lord  you are our everything, and I praise your name!  Lord, when I call on You, I have confidence that You hear me.  You know what I need before I ask.  Lord I rest in You, and want You with me always to guide me in this life.  I love you Lord, my I AM.  In Jesus name, ~Amen.

In Him,