Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Passing the Torch

I'm starting to get older.  My children would say I'm as old as dirt.  I remember when my parents were my age & I thought the same thing.  I don't feel too old to do some things, but I am.  (either by choice or because my body won't do the things it could do when I was a teenager.  total bummer!)  Can this happen in ministry?  Absolutely.

I read a passage from 1 Chronicles this morning I remembered why I love it & I know what God was showing me through it.  (He's so cool that way!!!)  A little info before I post the verse.  David is King of Israel, and he loves the Lord with everything he is.  God Himself said David was a man after His own heart.  (Acts 13:22)  David wanted to build God a beautiful temple to dwell in, but because he was God's warrior, David was not allowed to build the temple.  (1 Chronicles 28:2-3)  What's so cool is that we don't see David complaining; he decides to have everything ready for when his son, Solomon, will build it.  But, before Solomon was crowned as King of Israel, David has these words for him in 1 Chronicles 28:8-10:

"So now I charge you in the sight of all Israel and of the assembly of the LORD, and in the hearing of our God: Be careful to follow all the commands of the LORD your God, that you may possess this good land and pass it on as an inheritance to your descendants forever. And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.  Consider now, for the LORD has chosen you to build a house as the sanctuary. Be strong and do the work.”

How awesome is that?  David only mentions one time the building of the temple, all the rest is about following the Lord.  David telling his son to rise to the challenge to be and do everything for the Lord. 

As I get older, this is what I know I'm to do, pass the torch to the younger generations; they are to know they have have been chosen to build God's family, so they should be strong and do the work.  The inheritance is not land or riches but eternal life lived in the shadowless love of the Savior.

So to this next generation:  acknowledge God, serve Him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind.  Seek Him.  Be strong and do the work.  The younger you are when you realize that God has put you here for a reason, the more fulfilled you'll be and His peace will be yours. 

In Him,

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Forrest, I just wanted to tell you I love you...

My fam loves to quote movies.  Someone will randomly throw out a line of a movie in regular conversation & get everyone else to guess what movie it is from.  We love that game.  (It ranks right up there with guess that song.)  On my way home from church tonight this line kept creeping into my mind.  I was praying about some things on my heart & this is the line that I heard:  "Forrest, I just wanted to tell you I love you..."

Um, ok, thanks God.  I know you love me.  But then I heard, have you told others how much you love them.  Well, I show them I love them.  No, He said, that's not what I'm talking about, have you said it with your mouth.  Have you uttered the words I love you?  But they already know, I told God.  He told me to say it again.  Thank you God for the reminder, just as I want it said to me, I must say it to here goes.  :)

To my family, I love you.  I love the way you make me laugh.  I love the what I see God calling you to be.  You are inspiring to me.  I'm so blessed that God put you in my life.  You are treasures and am so blessed to be part of our family, but I refuse to wear orange, it is not in my color wheel....  Movie, anyone?  Love you guys!

HK leaders & SideKicks, I love you.  Your dedication & faithful service to Jesus to impact the next generation is amazing.  You show the living Christ to kids and are willing to be His hands and feet.  I love serving with y'all & I love sharing my life with you.  HKSK, y'all rock!  To be your age & already feel God's call on your life, wow how incredible that you are willing to answer the call!  My prayer is that you follow Him always.

All my EL classmates...y'all are a bunch of crazy Jesus freaks & I love you!!!  Being with you on Thursday nights makes my week complete.  God is so good & knew I needed you. 

Amy J & Dillian J, thank you for looking into my heart & speaking truth into it no matter what I want to hear.  (and for making me cry on more than one occasion.)  I love for you pushing me out of my comfort zone & making me stretch in my service to Jesus.

To all my VH friends, I love you.  You have stood by me in good times & bad.  Through the years we have shared many things, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

I know I'm leaving out people, so if I am, know I love you.  I'm sure I'll dream about everyone I've left out...I'm a little weird like that.  :) 

Have you told others that you love them?  Don't wait to tell them.  It will make them feel good, and make you feel the peace of God in your heart. 

In Him,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


The way God works is so amazing to me.  I will have lots different things happen in the course of a day that I may think are not related, but God shows me His single strand that holds them all together.

This morning as I was reading in the one year bible, I was getting distracted.  The first reading was from 1 Chronicles 2:18-4:4.  This passage is all about linage.  Who was the father of so-and-so, who was born of can get boring.  (especially if you can't pronounce half the names correctly.)  I started thinking that I really need one huge gigantic family tree, that would really have helped me a lot.  What God planted on my heart was not the names but the legacy they left.  The legacy through:  who and how they worshipped; their family; and their service.

Later this morning I was privileged to stand by a sweet friend and sister-in-Christ as she said her earthly goodbyes to her loving grandfather.  Her PawPaw's pastor talked about legacy.  (coincidence...I think not!)  Her PawPaw left a wonderful legacy.  He loved Jesus and showed it through his actions and words; he showed his family he loved them by the kind of man he was; and he served his country in World War II and then served his church faithfully for many decades.  Legacy....

I love the song Legacy by Nichole Nordeman.  It's not anything about me that creates my legacy.  It's about who I am in Christ and what I do with it.  Did I share Him with others or horde him?  Do others see my love for Him or love for myself?  Do I give His love freely away or make people try to earn it?  There are so many ways to carry out the sharing and love of Christ, and each one of those leaves a legacy.  A marking through time where you can see God smiling and saying:  "good job y'all, you made me proud today".  What will my legacy be?  When it is time for me to leave my earthly home, what will others say about me?

                                 I know I want to leave a legacy, what about you?

Dearest Jesus, You showed me what legacy is.  You left Your mark on this earth through your love of God the father and people.  Help me to love like You do.  Help me to not grow tired of doing what is right.  May my words be life-giving, my hands be uplifted in praise, and the words of my mouth praise and share Your name with others.  My want is for all of this to bring you honor and glory forever.  May this become my legacy.  In Jesus name, ~Amen

Friday, July 1, 2011

I will not be Afraid

God did not give us a spirit of fear,
but one of love, power and a sound mind
2 Timothy 1:7

Fear....  There are times I wonder:  am I the only one who has it; am I the only one who can be paralyzed by it? 

When Paul wrote his last letter to Timothy, he was in jail and alone.  The emperor Nero was in power, and was notorious in his hatred and persecution of Christians.  Paul was telling his friend Timothy not to be paralyzed by fear.  Paul was telling Timothy to use everything God placed within him to share the gospel:  love:  we are called to love God & love people; power:  it comes directly from God and is something we don't have by ourselves; a sound mind:  it says we are clear headed and focused on what God has called us to do.
I am willing to bet that we all have fears.  What do you do when  you are afraid?

True story:
A few weeks ago my daughter was learning to do a back flip off of the high board for a dive meet.  The high board is 3 meters or 10 feet off the water.  From the pool deck it doesn't look that high, but when you're the one standing on the board, 10 feet is pretty high.  She was afraid.  Her legs were shaking, teeth chattering, tears running down her face.  "I'm afraid" she kept saying.  "I don't want to splat I know it will hurt". 

I told her to push through her fear & to be courageous.  We shouted out 2 Timothy 1:7 and claimed it over her fear.  I'm happy to say she learned her back flip, and now has no fear of doing it.

When Elizabeth was standing on the board she was focused on her fear, and couldn't see past it.  It paralyzed her so she couldn't move forward.  Fear stops us where we are.  It takes courage to push through our fears.  God tells us to be strong and courageous. (Deuteronomy 31:6)  When you find yourself in the grips of fear and need courage, look up and fall into the loving hands of God.  You fall into Him by:  prayer; reading your bible; using resources like;  talking to your parents, pastors, and other adults you trust.  You don't have to face your fears alone!  Jesus has already made a way for you to live free in His name!  Amen!