Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fighting Apathy

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.  Hebrews 10:24-25

Apathy as defined by the Miriam-Websters online dictionary:
1.  lack of feeling or emotion:  impassiveness
2.  lack of interest or concern:  indifference

Apathy is a killer.  It's a  killer of purpose, vision, drive, joy, and relationships.  Apathy can take someone who has a heart for God and His kingdom, and turn them into someone who becomes egotistical and selfish; someone who just doesn't care anymore.  It happens in churches everyday.  It's happened to me.  When it does happen sometimes it's better to step back and regroup with God.  Ask Him to reveal His will for your life.  Praise Him that He knows better than you do where you should be.

That is why the verse from Hebrews is so vital.  It can be easy to be apathetic.  We rush around all week:  work, school, activities, and when Sunday arrives we're spent.  Church is meant to recharge us for the week.  Meeting with other believers, connecting with Jesus through praise & worship, studying our bibles, and tithing are just some ways that we can be spurred on toward love (this love is God:  1 John 4:16) and doing good deeds.  (advancing the kingdom of God)  The good deeds have already been prepared for us in advance by God himself.  (Ephesians 2:10)

Another way apathy can sneak in is when we try to do everything.  If I'm doing everything, I'm not finding joy in the things God has called me to, and I'm stealing the works that God has prepared for someone else.  God compares all believers to a physical body.  Every part has a special roll to play.  No one part is better than the other, just different, and those parts fulfill a role that no other part can fill.  You may not think a finger or toe is very important to your body, until you can't use it.  Even the smallest part of your body is important, because when it doesn't work right, it throws the whole body off.  The body of Christ is like this too.  It doesn't matter what job you do within the body; your job is important.  Without you, the body doesn't function like it's supposed to.   I love 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.  I'm not going to put it all here because it's long, but go look it up, it's a great verse. (Hint:  Use Biblegateway, there's a link for it over there -->)  :)
Apathy can sneak in when you're not watching and take over your life.  I have a friend who jokes that she is going to write a book called:  "The devil comes to my house on Sunday".  I have felt this way.  Children are bickering amongst themselves, some come down wearing something different than what I told them, some may have overslept, I'm frustrated because we're going to be late to church & get stuck in traffic.  These bumps in my road are intended to make me feel that it's just easier to skip today.  I start to rationalize that it doesn't matter if we show up late, God knows I'm trying my best.  But am I really?  Am I giving God my very best, or just the bare minimum?  What if going to church was suddenly outlawed, and owning a bible could get me thrown in jail?  I am pretty sure I would really value the things I take for granted every day. 
Lord, you are a loving father, and like every father you want what is best for your children.  Help me with my apathy.  Help me to treasure my time with you, my time in your word, and my time with other believers.  Lord, when I'm in Your will I find joy.  Show me Your will.  Guide my steps each day, and show me ways to share You with others who don't know You.  Thank you for loving me even through my apathy, and renewing me everyday through Your word and Spirit.
In Jesus Name,
In Him,

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Untapped Potential

I am writing this today with a heavy heart.  Last night Billy Hornsby, our pastor's father-in-law, passed away.  He was a true man of God.  Pastor Chris has told Billy's story a few times in church, and it really exemplifies how God wants to grow our untapped potential.

Billy was not the first, and he will not be the last person that God saw who has great potential for the Kingdom.  This morning after I had read the email about Billy, God laid this message on my heart. 

So many heros in the bible were messed up.  God loved taking the mess of their lives and turning it into something He could use.  When you start to run the list, you really see a pattern, and you have to smile & you may even wonder what in the world God is thinking.  God said he would use the weak and foolish to shame the proud. {my paraphrase}  (1 Corinthians 1:27)   I'll mention a few:  Moses, Elijah, Jonah, David, the 12 disciples, Paul...and these are just a handful of guys.  God saw them, saw their weaknesses and tendencies & said, 'Yep, that's the guy I want.'  Moses, David, Paul:  murderers; Elijah:  fearful to the point of running away & hiding; Jonah:  selfish with God's word; out of the 12 disciples, four were common fishermen & one was a tax collector.  In the eyes of the world these guys were not the highest caliber people the Lord could have chosen, but these were his go to guys.

How comforting this is for me.  God sees everything about me & says 'Yep, she's the one I want, and I know right where to put her.'  He has said that about you too.  When people tell you that you're not good enough, smart enough, strong enough, fast enough, you know what God will say.  'Yep, they are the one I want, they are perfect for the job.'  God gives us the tools we need to do the job He needs us to do.  He gives us the ability to do these things,  We know it's not by our own power that we can do the job God has given us, it's only through Him.  He does this so no one can say they did it in their own strength, but we boast because of the Lord's strength in us.  (1 Cor 12:9-10; Philippians 2:14-17)

Not only, will God give you the tools to do something, He'll give you the desire to do it too. It's the whole falling into His will thing.  Knowing God's will can be a little confusing sometimes.  How do I know the will of God?  His will is in the bible.  He doesn't keep it a secret, but He does reveal it to us in different ways.  We are told in 1 John 5:14-15 that if we ask in accordance to God's will he will hear us and if He hears us, we have what we ask for. 

Let me clarify that God is not a genie in a bottle.  You don't rub your bible like a magic lamp and get your wishes granted.  God wants you to choose to follow Him.  He does not bend His will to our needs; we ask Him to show us His will and to bend us to it.  So many people think that they are not loved by God because of things that have happened in their lives that they prayed about, and they think God didn't hear them or answer.  But sometimes God's answer is no.  That can be so hard to hear.  I don't want to hear God tell me no, or to wait, or to trust, but He does.  What I choose is to trust and obey.  I praise Him because His ways are higher than mine. (Isaiah 55:8-9)  I praise Him because He sent His son to die on the cross for me. (John 3:16)  I praise Him because he sees what I can be and molds me to be able to do it.

Ask God to use your untapped potential.  Ask Him to show you His will, and to help you to live in it.  If you choose God, He will send you joy beyond your greatest imagination.  Praise be to Him who was, is, and is to come!

In Him,

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This morning when I woke up the song 'Something Beautiful' by Needtobreathe was running through my mind.  You know when you get a song stuck & it won't let go?  Yep, that's where I was.  At least it's not 'Do you know the muffin man'.

We all want something beautiful in our lives.  I'm not talking about the things we have.  I'm talking about life.  I want a beautiful life, but the problem is:  life is messy.  (and can be very ugly)  Ask the child who's parents are divorced, or has had a parent pass away.  Ask the adult who has lost their job and doesn't know how they are going to take care of their family.  Ask the orphan, the homeless, the abused,  the addict, the outcast, the hurting.  Ask the Japanese people who have survived the earthquake, tsunami, and aftershocks among other things.  Do these people not want a beautiful life too?   I am not so different from any of these groups.  It might be one decision that makes the difference...and it might not even be a decision that I made for myself, but one someone made for me.  Life is messy.  The best laid plans and turn bad in a minute.

This is where God's grace and goodness come in.  In the bible we read in Jeremiah 29:11:  "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not hurt you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Ok, so if God has only good planned for me, why does all this bad stuff happen?  Two words:  fallen creation.  Our hope and future are not based on anything in this world, it's based on the promise that we will spend eternity in heaven.  (John 14:1-3)  So even if your life is a living hell, because Jesus came to pay the price for our sins, it's the only one you'll ever face.

How can we get something beautiful from something bad?  John 16:33 says it so well: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  Jesus doesn't say if you have trouble, He says you will have trouble.  Your life will be messy.  Do you see where it says that 'in me you may have peace'?  No matter what is going in my life I know my hope and peace are found in Jesus.

There are good things that come from hard times.  Um, come again, please...  Yes, good things do come from hard times.  You may not be able to see God at first in those hard times, but He's there.  He has promised to never leave you.  (Deut 31:6 & 8)  God has told us that in our trials we develop hope. (Romans 5:1-5; James1:2-4; 2 Thess 1:4; Hebrews 12:1-3)  Hope does not disappoint.  Our hope is Christ.

I just want something beautiful.  I see Jesus and know that He is my something beautiful!

In Him,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Raging against the captor

As I think about my time in prayer yesterday there is one prayer request that keeps coming to the forefront of my mind today:  O church arise and rage against the captor.

Rage against the captor. I love that, but in real life how do we do this? As with everything, Jesus provides the perfect example. There's no guess work; no wondering WWJD.  Jesus didn't start spouting his Christian credentials or lengthy doctrine with big words.  He didn't even use His own words.  He used the words God the father provided Him. 

Today is Ash Wednesday.  It is the beginning of the time Jesus spent in the wilderness fasting and praying.  When Jesus came out of the wilderness he was confronted by satan.  Matthew 4:1-11 gives the account.  Three times satan offers something to Jesus, and three times Jesus rebukes him with the word.  Have you ever noticed that satan offers him only things of this world:  food, safety, earthly kingdoms.  Things of this world are all he has to offer. 

When I think of the things satan offers, I remember how the risen Christ fills every one of the three things:   Jesus is the bread of life and living water.  (John 6:35; John 4:10)  The Lord is our strength and refuge.  (Psalm 16-17)  Jesus has prepared a place for us in heaven and has made a way for us to store up our treasures in heaven.  (John 14:2; Matthew 6:19-21; 1 Timothy 6:17-19)  All of these are just the tip of the iceberg of what Jesus does for us.  The things of this world are nothing compared to Him.

Through His death the chains of sin are broken.  He sets the captives free.  (notice it's present tense & not past!)  We rage against the captor.  We rage against him through Christ and Christ alone. 

Satan knows the end of his story.  You can read about it in Revelation 19:11-21.  You know that sharp sword that is coming out of Christ's mouth in verse 15 is the Word of God.  (Hebrews 4:12; Revelation 2:12-13; Revelation 1:12-18; Ephesians 6:7; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)  God also gives us a warning in 1 Peter 5:8-9:  "Be self-controlled and alert.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings."  So we rage on, not in our own power, but through Christ.

Rage on brothers and sisters in Christ, rage on!

In the One who sets His people free,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Meeting with God

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all you heart.
  Jeremiah 29:13

Have you ever had true encounter with God?  A connection that you know is of God?  When you have one you’ll know.  You know because it gives you so much joy & breaks your heart all at the same time.

I had an encounter with Him today.   Oh it was so precious!  I was meeting with a group of people to pray for Birmingham & Shelby County.  Can I tell you, God showed up.  His presence was moving in the room where we were praying.  He was pouring scripture into my heart & wowing me with His Word!

God is not some unfeeling deity that wants nothing to do with us.  He loves us more than we will ever be able to understand with our little human brains.  He loves us so much that He was willing to allow His son to die for us.  I love you guys, but no offense; I don’t love you enough to let one of my children die for you.  I’m selfish in that way, but not God.  He knew we needed someone to stand in the gap for us.  It is sin that causes the gap and separates us from God.  Before Christ came, the Israelites sacrificed animals to have the blood atonement needed to cover their sins, but for us Christ came and filled that gap.  Hebrews 9:12 tells us Christ entered not with the blood of sheep and goats, but with His own blood obtaining eternal redemption. 

Before I went to pray I needed to prepare my heart.  While I did this, God truly broke it.  It was not a bad thing.  He broke it to show me my own sin first and foremost, so I could repent and be forgiven.  He also did it so I could have compassion for our city, for people who have never heard the wonderful news of Jesus, and so I could have the unity with other believers Christ has called us to.

The only thing I have to stand on is Jesus.  Not my church, not my any group I’m involved with, not my friends, and not doctrine.  Only Jesus.  Without Him, I am nothing. 

As we prayed, you could feel the Holy Spirit in the room.  In the past and today when I have had a true encounter with Christ, I always feel joy.  It is so hard to put what is of heaven into everyday words, but I’m going to try.  Imagine you have a 2 liter bottle of Coke.  You decide to shake it up, and I mean really shake it up hard.  Now, you’re going to open the top.  What happens?  It spews everywhere doesn’t it?  It might even continue to bubble up and over after the initial part has spewed out.  This is how I would describe the feeling God gives me when I encounter Him.  The joy bubbles through my heart into all of me & I just want to share it with others.  The bible says the Joy of the Lord is our strength.  Why joy?  Why not something else?  I think it’s because joy brings peace even in the midst of heartache and suffering. 

I am thankful for the Lord.  I am thankful that He didn’t leave us to fend for ourselves, but instead gave us Jesus to take away our sins, and the Holy Spirit to be our helper.  I am thankful for the Joy of the Lord.  I am thankful for His promises.  I am blessed in so many ways, and I owe everything to Him. 

Lord, you have said that:  “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  What a great promise!  We are to:  humble, pray, seek & turn.  God in response will forgive and heal.  May you encounter the risen Savior today.  May you feel His love and joy fill your heart.  May you share it because we live in hurting world that is in need of a savior.

In Him,

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Seasons of Life

Next Wednesday starts the most holy time of the year for Christians.  We begin the season of Lent.  Lent is the time between Ash Wednesday and the Saturday before Easter.  It lasts for 40 day, excluding Sundays, and it represents the 40 days Jesus fasted, prayed, and was tempted in the wilderness.  (Matthew 4:1-3; Luke 4:1-3)

As I was reading & studying what Lent is, I found it odd how some sites defined what it is.  They said Lent is a time to:  "reflect on the significance of Christ’s death, examine our hearts, and confess our sins. It can be a time of spiritual cleansing and renewal."  (http://reflections.cyberpastor.net/bible/what-is-lent/0)  Another site said it is a time of moderation. 

I had to ask myself one main question.  Why do they say Lent is the time to focus on these things?  In my opinion, it's not meant to be confined to one time of year.  It should be joy to:  focus on Christ's death, examine my heart, confess my sins, and practice what they are calling moderation.  Doing what God has called me to do is not a burden.  If it ever becomes a burden, it is my responsibility to ask God to show me the areas in my life I'm not living within His will.  Once He shows me my sins, I confess them.  It's all for my benefit. 

During this season of Lent, I will focus on the wonderful gift Christ is.  I will focus on what each part of what He went through means for me, because each part of His torture, cruxifiction, and resurrection have specific meanings and promises for every Christian.  One prayer I have for myself and for you is that we will not confine what we do during Lent to the 40 days before Easter.  We are Easter people because Christ is risen, and we are Easter people all year long, not just 40 days during the year. 

I'm including a recipe for Resurrection Cookies.  If you've never made them before it's a lot of fun.  It takes a little time, but really worth it.  You make them the Saturday night before Easter Sunday, and they will be ready Easter.  Just follow the directions, it's easy.

Live in Christ and live free.  Easter is a time where we remember who we are and who we live for.  We are made alive in Christ.

In Him,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Listening to the Music

First, I want to put a few disclaimers in before this week's devotion.
1.  I wish I could say I have the entire bible memorized, but I don't.  I love reading & studying the bible, and I know where a lot of scriptures are, but I also use a wonderful website called Biblegateway.com.  You have the bible at the tips of your fingers!  On the left side of the blog you will see a link.  Very cool site!
2.  When I get excited about things I will talk and talk and talk, or in this case write, and write, and write.  If I get long winded, please excuse me.  It's just that I'm passionate about things.  I'm working on being shorter and to the point.
3.  The bible is God's love letter to us.  To not read/study/cherish it is to tell God is love letter is not worth our time.  Like any person who sends a letter, He wants you to be excited to read it, and reread it often.  He wants it to be yellowed with constant use.

Whew, I feel better having said those few things...now, onto the devotion.  :)

I love music.  All different types too.  You know when you hear a song that you love it just makes you feel like you can fly.  I like to turn my speakers up loud & sing.  (I have to turn them up loud because I am going to have to wait until I get to heaven to get my perfected singing voice.)

For as much as I love music, I dislike commercials.  Especially on the radio.  A lot of times when a commercial comes on I will start to press the seek button on my radio.  (This mostly happens in the car, of which I spend a lot of time. :/)

A few weeks ago when I was flipping I came to a radio station & the song Grenade was playing & it says:

Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash.  
Tossed in the trash, yes you did. 
To give me all your love is all I'd ever ask.  
Cause, what you don't understand... is I'd catch a grenade for 'ya.  
Throw my hand on a blade for 'ya.  
Jump in front of a train for 'ya.  You know I'd do anything for 'ya.  
I would go through all this pain, take a bullet straight through my brain. 
Yes, I would die for you baby, but you won't do the same."  

For some reason, as I was listening to this song, I thought of Jesus.

I know that it may seem weird that Jesus would come to mind, but He did.  I started thinking of all the things He has done for me; what He went through for me, so I could talk to Him and He can be my best friend.  I know we talk about it, but have you ever really stopped and thought about what He went through?  The emotional and physical pain.  It's sobering.  All he has ever asked for is our love. He put aside all the glory of heaven, was born as a human baby, lived a complete human life, was beaten, bruised, and hung on a cross just so I won't be separated from Him. (Philippians 2:5:11)  And all he wants is my love?  WOW!  I know I'm getting the good part of this, but how many times have I taken the love He has offered and thrown it back in His face?  Every time I sin that is what I do...but, He is so wonderful!  Christ came and He forgives because He wants us all to be saved.  (John 3:16-17)  His love always brings me back. (Romans 2:4b; 2 Cor. 7:10)

Christ's love is the music of our spirit.  He wants you to turn Him up LOUD & SING with everything you have.  Christ wants you to love; hang-out with; talk to; worship; praise; and need Him.  He wants to be everything to you.  When you allow Him to be your everything, and you are listening to His song over your life, you will find there is no sweeter sound.

Tell someone about Jesus!  Tell them that if God had a refrigerator, their picture would be on it.  (That always makes me smile.)  Tell them that He already did everything for them, and all we need to do is ask Him to come into our lives and live in our hearts.  He wants all we are.  Listen for Christ's song over you this week.  Write down all the ways He has blessed you.  And don't forget to tell Him thank you for all He has done, is doing, and will do for you!

In Him,