And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25
Apathy as defined by the Miriam-Websters online dictionary:
1. lack of feeling or emotion: impassiveness
2. lack of interest or concern: indifference
Apathy is a killer. It's a killer of purpose, vision, drive, joy, and relationships. Apathy can take someone who has a heart for God and His kingdom, and turn them into someone who becomes egotistical and selfish; someone who just doesn't care anymore. It happens in churches everyday. It's happened to me. When it does happen sometimes it's better to step back and regroup with God. Ask Him to reveal His will for your life. Praise Him that He knows better than you do where you should be.
That is why the verse from Hebrews is so vital. It can be easy to be apathetic. We rush around all week: work, school, activities, and when Sunday arrives we're spent. Church is meant to recharge us for the week. Meeting with other believers, connecting with Jesus through praise & worship, studying our bibles, and tithing are just some ways that we can be spurred on toward love (this love is God: 1 John 4:16) and doing good deeds. (advancing the kingdom of God) The good deeds have already been prepared for us in advance by God himself. (Ephesians 2:10)
Another way apathy can sneak in is when we try to do everything. If I'm doing everything, I'm not finding joy in the things God has called me to, and I'm stealing the works that God has prepared for someone else. God compares all believers to a physical body. Every part has a special roll to play. No one part is better than the other, just different, and those parts fulfill a role that no other part can fill. You may not think a finger or toe is very important to your body, until you can't use it. Even the smallest part of your body is important, because when it doesn't work right, it throws the whole body off. The body of Christ is like this too. It doesn't matter what job you do within the body; your job is important. Without you, the body doesn't function like it's supposed to. I love 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. I'm not going to put it all here because it's long, but go look it up, it's a great verse. (Hint: Use Biblegateway, there's a link for it over there -->) :)
Apathy can sneak in when you're not watching and take over your life. I have a friend who jokes that she is going to write a book called: "The devil comes to my house on Sunday". I have felt this way. Children are bickering amongst themselves, some come down wearing something different than what I told them, some may have overslept, I'm frustrated because we're going to be late to church & get stuck in traffic. These bumps in my road are intended to make me feel that it's just easier to skip today. I start to rationalize that it doesn't matter if we show up late, God knows I'm trying my best. But am I really? Am I giving God my very best, or just the bare minimum? What if going to church was suddenly outlawed, and owning a bible could get me thrown in jail? I am pretty sure I would really value the things I take for granted every day.
Lord, you are a loving father, and like every father you want what is best for your children. Help me with my apathy. Help me to treasure my time with you, my time in your word, and my time with other believers. Lord, when I'm in Your will I find joy. Show me Your will. Guide my steps each day, and show me ways to share You with others who don't know You. Thank you for loving me even through my apathy, and renewing me everyday through Your word and Spirit.
In Jesus Name,
In Him,