Monday, February 21, 2011

Life through Rose Colored Glasses

1 Chronicles 16:9-11

Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.
Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.
Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.

I love my sunglasses.  I love what they make the world look like, especially the sunrise & sunset.  You see my sunglasses are rose colored.  Have you ever heard the saying:  "That you see the world through rose colored glasses?"  It means that you see things as good and right, and nothing is going to spoil your outlook.  A lot of people see others who look at the world that way as simple and foolish.  But I would have to strongly disagree.  (1 Corinthians 1:27)  Look for glimpses of Christ in our world.  He makes Himself known everywhere and in everything.  Keep a piece of paper handy one weekend and write down all the places you see Him, it will amaze you.

Why should we as Christians look at everything through rose colored glasses?  Why should we try to find
Christ in all that we see?  Why do we focus our lives to Him?  It's simple really.  When we choose to look for Christ, He will show up.  (Deut 4:29, 2 Chron. 7:14, Ps 9:10,  Luke 11:10, Hebrews 11:6) 

Does God show up because He knows He's all that & a bag of chips?  No, He knows we need Him.  Pretend in your mind you see a friend drowning in a lake.  You're in a deep part of the lake where it's about 100 feet to the bottom.  You know it will be bad if you don't get your friend help.   Are you going to quietly talk to your friend as you try to throw them a life preserver, or are you going to be yelling at them to reach for what you know will save their life?  When you choose to look for Christ, worship and praise Him, and live for Him, He is your life preserver.  This world can be a very sad place.  Things have happened throughout history that are horrible, and will continue to happen until Christ returns, because we live in a fallen world.  But Christ is our pair of rose colored glasses.  (Romans 5:17)  He lived the life of a man and faced all the things we face so we would know He understands;  He understands our hurts, our dreams, our very lives.  He gave all He had for me, and I choose to follow Him, love Him, and live for Him.

Choose to look through His rose colored glasses this week and see how you feel.  Write down for one day everywhere you see Him & what you find will amaze you!

In Him,

PS~ Make sure you look up the scriptures if you have time.  You should do it to verify what I have said for yourself.  Don’t trust my words, trust His.  It will be a blessing to you.

Here is the regular view out of my garage door.

And here is the same view through my rose colored glasses.

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