Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Speaking and Beliving

Did you know that for every negative comment you say about someone (or yourself) it takes 10 positive ones to counteract it?  That's psychology 101, but more importantly it's bible 101 as well.  I do want to clarify a little between hurtful speech and constructive criticism.  Constructive criticism has your best interest at heart, and is done in a spirit of love.  (Hebrews 12:5-6; )  Hurtful speech is done to intentionally hurt you (Psalm 52:2; Proverbs 6:16-19; James 3:6) 

Why do we listen to the bad?  Why do we let the hurtful things play over and over in our minds.  We listen to the lies that are whispered in our ears telling us what we know isn't true.  Why is it so easy to hear and listen to the bad, but harder to believe the truth?  I wish I knew the answer.  I wish I could say I never believe the lies, but there are times I do.  But, I also know there's a way to combat the lies.  God's truths.  Who does He say I am?  What does He want me to believe? 

Before you say:  "I know it's in the bible, but where?"; "I know it's God's truth, but I've never seen it."; "I'm not a bible scholar, so how am I supposed to find these bible verses."; "I am a bad person, and I know God could never love me."  Never fear!  God always provides a way out and the words He wants you to know.  I did a bible study called LIFE about 5 years ago.  (Living In Freedom Everyday)  My leader gave us all a sheet that changed my life.  I had never seen a list like this one.  It listed what I wouldn't speak over myself and then it had a list of what I would, and it had the bible verses to back it up.  Click HERE to go to the list so you can read it and print it out.

First apply the list to yourself.  Know these verses are about you and how God sees you through Christ.  Then I want you to read it about others, because it explains who they are too.  The bible says in Deut 30:19-20: "This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life..."  I think that is such a great life verse. 

When someone says something intentionally hurtful to you, call it what it is:  a lie.  A lie is like a weed.  It wants to grow where it's unwanted and kill what is beautiful.  Ask God to remove the lie from your heart and mind so that you will only dwell on His truths, and if there is anything you need to ask forgiveness for that He will show you what it is.  As we read God's word His truth is shown and it's good for everything our lives.  (2 Timothy 3:16-17) 

I love this list.  The list is the essence of the Lord.  He is love.  (1 John 4:8)  I have a copy of the list in my bible; I have it saved on my computer; and now, I will have it saved here.  Speak and believe these words that God has said about you.  I dare you to do as it says in Deuteronomy: choose life, choose blessings, choose for the Lord to be your life.  Oh yeah, and pass it on to someone else.  Good stuff is always better when it's shared.

In Him,

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