Sunday, February 20, 2011

So now you're a servant...

In the last posting I talked about being a cheerful giver.  (2 Cor 9:7)  We talked that it not only deals with money, but also using your spiritual gifts to serve others.  Well, you’ve  decided to serve so now what? 

I started to think about what it means to be a servant.  So many times we think of being a servant as bad, but it’s really not.  There were servants who were purchased for only a certain amount of time.  After the time of service was completed they were free to go.  Sometimes, the person would choose to stay and remain a servant.  Can you imagine...they wanted to stay, they chose to stay.  I’m sure there were many reasons why someone may have wanted to stay.  One of the reasons may have been because they knew they were going to live and eat better as a servant than they would as a free person, but for some, they loved their masters, and served them out of love and obedience.  These slaves had a special name.  They were bond servants.  A bond servant is beloved by his master.  A bond servant serves out of love not duty. 

I want to be a bond servant of Jesus.  Psalm 86:4 “Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you.”  I want to stay with Him & serve Him out of love.  (meaning I get to serve instead of I have to, there’s a huge difference.)  I want, when people think of me, they see His name and glory and not me.   I want the children of HK to be able to experience the risen savior every day.  I want that for you too.  I want you to join with the adult leaders of HK and become bond servants of Jesus too.  Be loved by Him and let him be your master.

You are the difference makers of today.  We want you to be a generation that is unashamed of Jesus & the gospel.  Did you know that the word gospel means ‘good word’?  Who is our good word?  Well, we’ll cover that in next week’s devotion.

Be blessed this week!
~Mrs. Ashley

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